Library structure


Sector of register and control

The sector performs automated recording of readers to the library in the presence of documents. Concludes agreements with educational institutions (universities, colleges of the city Karaganda) on the servicing of students, trains the skills of working with catalogs (traditional and electronic). It registers periodicals that have entered the library in an authorized mode.

Head of branch: Akhmetova Gulyaim Narymbayevna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail:


Youth services department:

  • Reading room
  • Subscription
  • A hall of multimedia editions, literatures on art and the periodical presses

The department organizes operative library-bibliographic and information services for readers from 15 years and older. Promotes the development of reader interests, assists youth in social adaptation and vocational guidance. Disclosure of the fund is carried out through the design of book exhibitions, exhibitions - views of new arrivals, holding presentations. Readers are given a wide selection of literature. In educational work with adolescents and youth, the department coordinates activities with youth organizations, institutions, universities, colleges, schools.

The reading room of the Youth Services Department has a club of fans of world literature "FAMOUS BOOKS". In the club there are evenings of reading, presentations, meetings, etc. Year of foundation: 2014.

Head of branch: Murzatayeva Bakhyt Kazbekovna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Children's department:

  • Reading room
  • Subscription

The department organizes library and bibliographic services for children of preschool and school age (6-14 years), heads of children's reading, providing them with necessary literature, taking into account requests, interests and needs. Promotes the development of reader interests, participates in the organization of useful and interesting leisure activities for children, coordinates activities with children's organizations, schools.

In the service department of children there are clubs on interests:

  • Club "Жас оқырман" - "The Young Reader". Members of the club are students of grades 2-4. Year of foundation: 2011.
  • Club "Атамекен" - "Motherland". Members of the club are students of grades 5-7. Year of foundation: 2011.

The goal of the clubs is the formation of Kazakhstan's patriotism, promotion of books and reading among students of junior and senior classes. Members of clubs take an active part in carrying out various library events.

Head of branch: Fakhrutdinova Madina Kharbingaliyevna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sector of rare books, manuscripts and museum exhibits:

Museum of Zh.K.Bekturov

The sector of rare books, manuscripts and museum exhibits includes: the memorial room-museum Zhayyk Bekturov and the reading room. In the reading room there are books from the personal library of Zh. K. Bekturov, folder-dossier. In order to improve the propaganda of Zh. Bekturov, the sector's employees are studying the writer's creative heritage. Keep records, storage and restoration of museum items. Organize and conduct exposition-exhibition works, individual and group excursions. They take part in scientific conferences and seminars, presentations, competitions and other cultural events.

Digital library of digital archive "Дәнекер".

In order to preserve cultural heritage, historical and cultural monuments, objects of national heritage, museum artifacts based on thematic historical digital collections on materials collected in the Karaganda region, RJL named after Zh.Bekturov was created the electronic library of the digital archive "Дәнекер". The library includes rare scanned materials on the history of the region from the State Archive of the Karaganda region, the State Archives of Zhezkazgan, the museums of Zhanaarkinsky, Osakarovsky, Nurinsky districts, and the cabinet of Zh. K. Bekturov. All material is presented on electronic reading devices - book-readers. Year of foundation: 2010.

Head of branch: Shpanova Zhanat Rymkulovna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail:


Information bibliographic department

Iformation bibliographic department provides reference and bibliographic and information services for readers. The activity of the department is aimed at the formation of the information retrieval system of the library in the traditional and automated mode. Organizes work on the promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge. With the help of the legal system, "Paragraph" and DB "Zaң" searches for and selects legal information. Prepares and publishes information-bibliographic materials. Conducts an electronic file of ALIS articles "IRBIS 64".

Head of branch: Yartseva Elmira Karatayevna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Department of youth communication and mass work

The main task of the department is to promote the library, its resources and opportunities through the use of various forms of mass work, the formation of a positive image of the regional youth library. The department maintains close contact with educational institutions, cultural and art institutions, the media, youth organizations, public funds, etc.

The department has a youth intellectual center "BOTA". Year of foundation: 1996. Members of YIC "BOTA" are actively involved in the preparation and holding of mass events, club meetings, various actions. The department also has a literary salon "Қазына", a discussion club "Жас азамат", intellectual games "BOTA-Erudite", "Бақытты сәт", "Бiлiмпаздар" are held.

Head of branch: Shmoylova Nadezhda Fyodorovna

Contacts: 8(7212) 430704; e-mail: nThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Innovative-methodical department

Provides methodological and practical assistance to the libraries of the region serving youth, in mastering modern innovative methods and techniques. Conducts seminars, meetings, scientific and practical conferences and other activities to improve the skills of librarians. He is engaged in publishing activity, develops and prepares for release methodical, methodical-bibliographic manuals. Leads RBA department, electronic card index "Methodist."

Head of branch: Aldongarova Gulnar Mukhtarovna

Contacts: 8(7212) 430704; e-mail:


Department of recruitment and processing of literature

It provides full and prompt provision of the collection of the library and fund of periodicals. The sources of acquisition are: book-selling organizations, state orders, Kazpost JSC. Coordinates activities with other libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides guidance to help libraries that serve youth, on the acquisition and processing of library documents. Works in the ALIS "IRBIS 64".

Head of branch: Iskakova Gulsum Kakeshevna

Contacts: 8(7212) 430704; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Department of automation of library processes

The activity of the department is aimed at the introduction and support of computer technologies. Ensures the functioning of a set of technical and software tools of the library. Organizes the work of the automated library and information system "IRBIS 64". Ensures the preservation of the library's own electronic resources. Introduces new information technologies into the library system.

Head of branch: Zhaymenov Talgat Umerbayevich

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail:


Main fund storage sector

The sector ensures the preservation of the main fund of the library. Replenishes the main fund with current editions and books over the past years in accordance with the library's acquisition profile. Participates in the definition of orders for new literature, conducts new receipts and distributes to subsidiary funds of departments. Literature for the reader is provided through the orders of the service department. Carries out preventive measures to prevent damage and destruction of books.

Head of branch: Kaztayeva Karshyga Saylauovna

Contacts: 8(7212)430649; e-mail: kThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Internet
  • Email
  • Computer set
  • Photocopy service
  • Scanning
  • Printer Printout
  • Drawing up of bibliographic lists
  • Conducting thematic mass events


Working hours of the library

Working hours: from 10.00 o'clock till 18.00 o'clock.

Closed on Monday

Last Friday of the month - sanitary day


Our address:

Karaganda, Erzhanov str. 8А, tel: 8(7212)-430649, 430704

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.