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June 1, 2018 in the library for the International Children's Day a festive playing hour "Байтақ даламызда шаттанамыз, күлеміз" was held, organized by the Children's Services Department of the Regional Junior Library named after Zh. Bekturov.

The event was attended by students of gymnasium №97 and secondary school №48.

Librarian Zhuzbaeva Nurymzhan Zhumabaevna told the children the story of the birth of this holiday, at the end of her speech she wished all children to grow up happy, to study, to do what they liked and in the future become wonderful parents and citizens of their country.

Children of the fairy tale Masha and Medved came to the children at the play hour and conducted interesting literary games with them. Children told tongue twisters, solved riddles, took part in games "Айгөлек", "Шарлар", "Кім бірінші жинайды" with pleasure. Readers of the library Diana Akylbekova and Novikova Natalia performed for the audience the dance of small ducklings. Participants of the event were pleased to answer questions about the heroes of fairy tales and plunged into the fairy-tale world.

 The thematic shelf "Байтақ даламызда шаттанамыз, күлеміз", decorated in the department, with bright and colorful books aroused great interest among the children.

At the end of the event, the children who took an active part in the playing hour were awarded with gifts.
