This year 100 years since the birth of the journalist, the writer, public figure Zhaik Kagenovich Bekturov are executed.
Zhaik Bekturov was the multiplane artist, differing richness of a genre variety. Besides the novel it wrote and published stories, stories, poems, articles, numerous sketches, about founders of the Kazakh national literature, visible public and politicians. Its works are hall-marked original talent.
Big expert Kazakh and judge of Russian literature, Zhaik Bekturov widely propagandized among the Kazakh population of work of outstanding figures of Russian literature and culture. Many works of Russian and Soviet writers are translated to them into the Kazakh language.
Zhaik Kagenovich possessed really encyclopedic knowledge. Being the full member of the Geographical society USSR, he conducted big research and selfless work on preservation and perpetuating of memory of the known fellow countrymen.
The difficult destiny of the country of an inconsistent XX century closely intertwines with destiny of the writer. The wheel of repressions gathering in the mid-thirties the increasing centrifugal force walked and on his life. On a false denunciation it was arrested and served time in Ivdellage of Sverdlovsk region and tested on itself all unlawful methods of a consequence, horrors of punishment cells.
About cruel tests of camp life, about Moloch of the totalitarianism who has destroyed all color of the nation, about years of political repressions and stagnation in the country, Zhaik Bekturov wrote the novel "Таңба".
After rehabilitation and release, despite the undermined health, Zhaik Kagenovich actively joins in public and literary life of the republic. Nearly thirty years he was the board member of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan and was the responsible secretary of the Karaganda interregional office of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan.
Zhaik Kagenovich Bekturov – the chronicler of formation and development of the mine country, its center – Karaganda.
In due time Zhaik Bekturov was proud of that entrusted it preparation for release of the big poetic book devoted to Karaganda and its workers. In 1984 Karaganda in a year of the 50 anniversary was awarded the order by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the Labour Red Banner. In this regard the event also carried out release of the collective collection of verses «Songs about you, Karaganda».
Originators of this collection Zh.Bekturov and Y.Nesterov excellent coped with an objective, having carried out serious search of poems of poets of different generations about Karaganda.
Zhaik Kagenovich Bekturov loved life, people, vividly was interested in all events around.
To direct bridges between the era and future generations - here a task of the original writer.
Zhaik Kagenovich Bekturov honest and adequately executed the mission. And we have fine possibility, having touched the turned yellow pages, to glance in the world of the writer, to track a course of his thoughts and to feel time breath. He gives the chance to us to peer at the past to realize the present and to build the future.