On May 24, 2018, a musical hour was held in the multimedia hall of the Youth Services Department: "The Patriot in Voluntary Exile", dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the outstanding Russian composer, the famous pianist, conductor Sergei Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov.
The creative image of the composer is varied. And his music leaves an indelible impression among listeners then his crushing strength, then deep penetration, then boundless happiness and joy.
The participants of the event were able to listen to the works of the great composer, recorded on vinyl records: "Youth Symphony", "Prince Rostislav", "Utes", "Sonata for piano No.2", "Six Musical Moments", "Six Choirs".
In order to familiarize the youth with the life and work of Sergei Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov, a book exhibition was organized.
For readers, a review was conducted on the books: V.N. Bryantseva's "Childhood and Youth of Sergei Rachmaninov", N.A. Kalinina "S.V. Rakhmaninov", А.I. Kandinsky "Operas S.V. Rachmaninov."