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CSD "Karaganda Regional Junior Library named after Zh. Bekturov"

Pass events dedicated to the promotion of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet in the Karaganda region. Our library takes an active part in carrying out these events:
On October 13, 14-00, for the pupils of the 4th grades of the gymnasium No. 97, a slide-presentation "Мемлекеттік тілдің латын графикасындағы әліпбиі" was held. The purpose of this event: spiritual and moral, patriotic education, information and explanatory work on the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.
The head of state in his program article "Looking into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" identified a phased transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet as one of the key priorities. This is truly a historic milestone in the spiritual and cultural development of our country. During the conversation they discussed the history of the Latin alphabet.



10/19/2017 in the assembly hall of the RJL named after Zh. Bekturov held a discussion "Латын әліпбиіне көшу- әлемдік үдеріске жақындау", moderated by akyn, a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, employee of the Youth Communication and Mass Work Department Ruslan Nurbay.

In the discussion took an active part: Associate Professor of Karaganda State University. Academician EA Buketov, candidate of philology Tursynova Marhaba Ahmetalikyzy, judge of the Karaganda Regional Court, linguist Azbanbaev Marat Atorotauly.

The event was attended by students from Karaganda colleges: the commercial, technical and construction and Karaganda Medical University, as well as senior pupils of the school-lyceum No. 101, employees and members of the youth intellectual center BOTA.

The head of state in his program article "Looking into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" identified a phased transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet as one of the key priorities. This is truly a historic milestone in the spiritual and cultural development of our country. Our speakers were Markhab Ahmetalikyzy and Marat Atororauly.

They also paid special attention to the history of the Latin alphabet in their speech and described in detail the peculiarities of the Latin letters. Cited many examples in the writing that are used, especially by youth through computer, cell phone, etc. They expressed the opinion that all were active and did not stay away from the current reform.




 On October 24, 2017, at 12.00 o'clock, the youth service department organized a review-talk on the topic "Латын тілі: қоғам талабы".

Participants of the event were students of the Law College "Themis" and the Karaganda College of Fashion.

The speaker took part in the event on the project of phased transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin schedule "Рухани жаңғыру", judge of the Karaganda regional court Marat Atororauly Azbabaev. He presented the slideshow to the audience, told about the history of the emergence of some words of ancient tribes and clans, about the process of changing sounds. He answered numerous questions from the audience, such as: "Why is it necessary to switch to Latin graphics?", "Why are there contradictions in the transition to the Latin alphabet?" And others. The poet Ruslan Nurbay performed his poem "Әріп пен ұғым". The head of the department B. K. Murzataeva told the students about the book fund of the department, introduced the presented book exhibition. On this event the channel "The First Karaganda" on October 26 is preparing information in the news block.




On October 26, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the translation of the Kazakh alphabet from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script.

In order to ensure the translation of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin script, I DECREE:

1. To approve the attached alphabet of the Kazakh language, based on the Latin script.

2. To the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

      to form the National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh alphabet into Latin script;

      to provide a phased translation of the Kazakh alphabet into Latin script until 2025;

      take other measures to implement this Decree, including organizational and legislative nature.

3. Control over the implementation of this Decree to entrust to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This Decree is put into effect from the day of its publication.




November 2, 2017 at 15-00 in the assembly hall among the collective of the library there was an event-discussion "News on the introduction of the Latin alphabet".
Since September 13, 2017 in the Karaganda region launched a set of activities to promote the transition of the Kazakh language into the Latin alphabet.
 Realizing the importance of the task set by the head of state, in our library, since September 14, 8 events were held to promote and explain the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, attended by 347 students and students of the Karaganda region.
Today's discussion took place in the light of the decree of October 26, 2017, signed by the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev, "On the translation of the alphabet from Cyrillic to the Latin script", in which he approved the Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin script.
The speakers noted that:
- the renewal of the alphabet of the state language - the sovereign right of the state, which does not infringe on other languages ​​used, they remain on their former alphabets.
- all domain names, e-mail addresses are written in Latin, so switching to Latin alphabet will help to keep up with time and successfully integrate into the world space while keeping your face.
- one of the advantages of the innovation is that by studying the state language in Latin it will be easier to learn English, which the world speaks and writes now.
- the transition to the Latin alphabet is a civilizational choice. The choice is in favor of an open and global world. Only the graphic changes, not the language itself.
Of course, there is a certain excitement inherent in the introduction of any innovation, but, as you know, the road will be mastered by the going. Therefore, among the staff, a training was conducted on the study of the Latin alphabet.
Volunteers were offered small texts in the Kazakh language, which had to be rewritten in the approved Latin script. All the staff, having coped with the task perfectly, unanimously declared that everything is very simple and easy.
The discussion took place in an active live dialogue. Participants of the event noted that the Government has developed a clear timetable for the transition of the Kazakh language into Latin alphabet, and its successful phased implementation is no longer in doubt.




On November 20, at 2:00 pm, a conversation took place in the library «Латын қарпіне көшу - болашақтың бағдары». In the Sector of rare books, manuscripts and museum exhibits, students of the school №41, students of the Polytechnic College, members of the BOTA JIC gathered for the conversation. There were 32 people in the hall.

A video on the subject of the event was offered to the attention of the children. A member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Ruslan Nurbai, addressed the audience.
The host of the event is the employee of the department Khumarbek E.A. made a conversation in the light of the decree signed by the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev on October 26, 2017, "On the translation of the alphabet from Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script."
He told that in Kazakhstan, within the framework of the program «Рухани Жаңғыру», a republican action started - a national dictation with the use of Latin graphics, in order to study and consolidate the Latin alphabet. Then he invited the guys to participate in the mini-dictation, and asked the volunteers to go to the interactive whiteboard. The guys enthusiastically embraced the idea of ​​a "small dictation" and enjoyed the "blackboard". Three pairs of volunteers consistently wrote, the proposed Kazakh text in Latin script, conducted a comparative analysis with the English alphabet. Then the task became more complicated: the children were asked to write in Latin script texts from the books that were taken from the exhibition "Латын қарпіндегі көне кітаптар", and also carry out a comparative analysis: this time with the Latin alphabet, which operated in Kazakhstan before 1940. Having successfully coped with all the tasks, the guys said that today's master class gave them certain knowledge and skills that will help in the further development of the Latin alphabet.
After the event, the guys had a tour of the department.



On November 23, in the assembly hall of our library there was a discussion "Латын әліпбиіне көшу - әлемдік үдеріске жақындау", moderated by the deputy dean of the Karaganda Central Kazakhstan Academy, the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Zhakulaev Adil Muratovich. The event was actively participated: Associate Professor of Karaganda State University. Academician E.A. Buketov, Candidate of Philology - Kaliyev Bektursyn Amankululy, associate professor of the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A.Buketov, candidate of philological sciences - Takirov Sarzhan Uakhituly, teacher of the faculty of language and translation of the Central-Kazakhstan Academy - Beysen Dauren. Participants were about 65 people: students of Karaganda colleges: humanitarian, polytechnic, technical and construction, Karaganda State University. Academician E.A. Buketov and Karaganda Economic University, as well as library staff and members of the BOTA youth intellectual center.
The head of state in his program article "Looking into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" identified a phased transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet as one of the key priorities. This is truly a historic milestone in the spiritual and cultural development of our country. Speakers and staff of the library Bektursyn Amankululy, Sarzhan Uakhituly, Beisen Dauren and Ruslan Nurbai answered many questions of interest to students, among which were: What difficulties can arise when moving to Latin? We had to switch to the Latin alphabet much earlier, were we late now? Is there a special commission to switch from the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin alphabet and how does it work? What are the expected results?
Speakers also paid special attention to the history of the Latin alphabet and expressed the wish that young people take an active part in the ongoing reform in the country on the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.
