On March 15, 2018, the Department of Youth Communication and Mass Work, with the assistance of the BOTA Youth Intellectual Center, held a literary and musical dastarkhan "Наурызым! Байлық, берекем!".
The assembly hall where the event was held was decorated in national style. All the staff of the library took an active part in its decoration. On the stage there is a hospitable Kazakh dastarkhan filled with national dishes. The stylized kerege was decorated with Sirmak and Tusksei, bright Alasha lay on the floor. In the corner stood a painted besik, and Sandyk and Dermen completed the design of the yurt.
In the hall was opened the book exhibition "Жүректерге нұр сепкен – әз Нурыз", which attracted guests' eyes, with diverse and colorful content.
The evening was opened by the leading Amirgazy Elaman and Madibekova Ayazhan, who invited Kydyr-ata to the stage to give the bat a blessing to those present. After all, according to the legend, during the celebration of Nauryz, Kydyr-ata bypasses the land and brings prosperity and prosperity to the house.
Shakhmatova Zhansaya, Musalkov Erasyl, Oral Bakhtiyar and students of the Humanities College performed several musical compositions that were warmly received by students. Students of the Humanities College showed a presentation of "Ұлттық тамамдар". Guests of the evening - teachers and students of KarMU, the legal college "Themis", the Karaganda humanitarian college and pupils of the school №83 named after Gabiden Mustafin watched with great interest what was happening. During the event, they repeatedly became direct participants: they played in national games, answered quiz questions. They decorated the evening of the staging of the youth intellectual center "BOTA" on the topics: "Құда түсу" and "Қыз ұзату", presenting the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people to the audience.
The event turned out to be colorful, full of national color. Each of the guests, at the end of the evening, was able to taste the national dishes for a hospitable dastarkhan.