On May 30, the library held a regional seminar on "The Activity of Libraries in the Context of a New Public Reality"
The program of the seminar was diverse and rich.
The seminar was opened by the head of the library Kalenova Nurgul Kasymkhanovna with the report: "The modern library in the modern information society", in which she touched upon the adaptation of the traditional library to the changed demands of the society.
Then Khamitova Akbota Kamoyқyzy, the leading expert in the field of social and educational projects of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, delivered a report on the theme "Рухани жаңғыру: болашаққа бастар жол" / Ruhani zhangyru: the way to the future. For the seminar participants, a training and presentation on the main activities of the Elbasy Library was also conducted. The main theme of the presentation - the popularization of Elbasy's program article "Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру" did not leave anyone indifferent. The seminar participants noted that the topic was presented in an interesting and unconventional perspective. And the learned experience of studying the most important stages of our history in the training form will be used by librarians in their work with readers. In addition, the charisma of the lecturer allowed to interest and involve all the participants in the seminar-training in the work.
May seminars of the library are traditionally held within the framework of the interstate project "Көкжиек" ("Horizons"). This time, an agreement was reached on speaking in on-line mode with our Russian colleagues from the city. Orenburg and Kurgan.
With great interest, the participants listened to the report by Utevalieva Aigul Aitkaleevna, head of the local history department of the Orenburg Universal Scientific Library named after N.Krupskaya (Orenburg, Russia), who presented the local history resource Literary Map of the Orenburg Region. This resource is an electronic encyclopedia about the literary life of the region, which includes biographical and bibliographic materials, electronic texts of works by Russian and Soviet writers, prose writers and poets of national literatures and laureates of literary prizes and front-line writers.
Similar work is carried out in our libraries, and the more valuable it was to get acquainted with the experience of our Russian colleagues in creating and maintaining such a local history resource. The participants of the seminar noted that the modern local lore activity of libraries is supported by the head of our state, which in the proposed program "Туған жер", in the article "Bolashak ba'dar: ruhan jahyyru" speaks of patriotism that begins with love for one's land. Local studies are all the same as recognizing in love for their small homeland, its history and culture.
The next on-line inclusion took place with the Kurgan Regional Children's and Junior Library named after V.F. Potanin. (Kurgan, Russia). With the information message "Modern Practices for Promoting Reading in the Adolescent and Youth Environment: Broadcasting the Experience of the Kurgan Regional Children's and Junior Library named after V.F. Potanin "performed Svetlana Akimova, head of the department of methodological support and psychology of children's and youthful reading.
She shared her experience in this area. The library, promoting reading, seeks to apply the most effective tools that yield positive results. These are information technologies and the possibilities of virtual space, the participation of the library in international, all-Russian and interregional events devoted to reading problems, this is a social partnership in the sphere of culture and education, program and project activities, active publishing activities, use of the media to draw attention to book and reading. Special attention was paid to the library's implementation of the project "Our Victor Potanin", which is aimed at studying, preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the famous fellow countryman, the remarkable Russian writer V.F. Potanin. The report was held against the backdrop of a photo presentation.
After a tea break, Bakhyt Kazbekovna Murzatayeva, the head of the department of youth services, addressed her colleagues with the message: "Жасөспірімдерге қызмет көрсету: шығармашылық пен ізденіс" / "Youth service: creativity and search". She talked about current trends in the development of library services for young people, how to create an environment that meets the specific information, educational, cultural and leisure needs of the younger generation. The report was accompanied by a colorful presentation.
Then the most pleasant part of the event began: rewarding of winners and prize-winners. Head of the innovative and methodical department Aldongarova Gulnar Mukhtarovna announced the results of the regional contest among young librarians for the best virtual exhibition "I Love My Fatherland" as part of the concept of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana city "ЕЛ ЖУРЕГІ - АСТАНА".
The competition was held in 2 nominations: the first - "My capital is my pride" and the second - "My land is my pride".
The competition received works - 21, of which 13 works - on the first nomination and 8 works - on the second nomination.
Diplomas and valuable prizes were awarded to the following participants:
In the nomination "My capital is my pride":
1 place - Bozova Bibinur Erlanovna: "Астана – елімнің құт мекені", CLS of the city of Balkhash;
2 nd place - Regina Fyodorovna Eleftheriadi: "The Chronicle of the Heart of Eurasia", CLS of the Osakarovka area;
3 rd place - Isatayeva Aigul Ermekovna: "Еңсесі биік Елорда", CLS of the Shetsk area.
In the nomination "My land is my pride":
1 st place - Shaimonova Shabnam Khaitmuratovna: "My land is my pride", CJL of Satpaev;
2 nd place - Dossetova Jeannel Maratkyzy: "Уық шаншылған Ұлытау", CLS of Zhezkazgan;
3 rd place - Bergenova Gauhar Amanalikyzy: "Жерлесіміз Ғалым Жайлыбай 60 жаста", CLS of Zhanaarka District.
Incentive prizes:
1.Sivozhelezova Natalia Yuryevna: "Менің Елордам – Менің Мақтанышым", KSD "CLS of the city of Temirtau";
2. Mustafina Sandy Dalabaykyzy: "Astana is the pearl of Saryarka", KSD "CSL" of Saran;
3. Maeden Aizhan Kudaiberlıkyzy: "Astana", the CLS of the Aktogay district.
All other participants also did not go unheeded - they were awarded certificates for participating in the contest.
In the final part of the seminar, the librarians of the region were offered an offsite excursion to the Friendship House of KSD "Қоғамдық келісім" of the apparatus of the akim of the Karaganda region.
The participants of the seminar got acquainted with the sights of the House of Friendship. A great impression on librarians was made by stands of more than 20 ethno-cultural associations located in the museum, brightly and colorfully representing the way of life, history and culture of the peoples inhabiting our Kazakhstan.
Participants of the seminar and the library of the House of Friendship visited the library, which, despite a short period of work, has a large selection of literature, provides readers with open access to the fund and the opportunity to receive a book at home.
At the end of the excursion, a letter of gratitude for an interestingly organized excursion to the Museum of the House of Friendship was presented to Shibaeva Mugulsim Gubaydullakyzy, a museum worker.
In the closing speech, the moderator of the seminar, the deputy head of the library Volkova Olga thanked for the active participation of colleagues from the library of the region. Summarizing the results of the seminar, she noted that the changes taking place in society are powerful factors in the development of modern libraries. They greatly influence the choice of mission and social functions, approaches to the formation of library and information resources and user services, the development of library technologies and personnel, the modernization of traditional and the development of new areas of activity.
At the end of the event, all participants received certificates, letters of appreciation, as well as handouts on the topic of the seminar.
Materials on the work of the seminars are posted on the websites of organizations:
Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy
Kurgan Regional Children's and Junior Library named after V.F. Potanin. (Kurgan, Russia).
Access mode: http://kurganlib.ru/category/news/
"Virtual methodical association of libraries working with youth" - Internet project of the Russian State Library for Youth
Mode of access http://vmo.rgub.ru
KSD "Қоғамдық келісім" of the apparatus of akim of Karaganda region
Access mode: http://kelisim.kz/en/news/